Chikungunya Virus prevention and treatment

For those who were unable to prevent chikungunya virus, don’t be too worried because after you have fully recovered from the infection, you will develop a lifelong immunity for the virus. Since mosquito is the causative agent for the infection, therefore the best possible way to prevent the infection is to avoid mosquito bite. This means that for those who live in areas where mosquitoes are very prevalent, there is the need for them to sleep under mosquito nets. This also means that these places need to have proper sanitary as sewage water provides home for mosquitoes and make breeding easier for them. Medical treatment and home remedies have been observed to eliminate CHIKV infection. Such treatments include resting and use of any medicines that could alleviate the fever and pain.

2 thoughts on “Chikungunya Virus prevention and treatment

  1. For proper citation I think we’re supposed to use the APA format (or at least that’s what I’ve been using) so I would try that if I was you. Also, this is really interesting but could be a little more in depth.


  2. Great use of satire for introduction sentences! I would love to see some images for visuals if applicable. I think it would be beneficial to have a separate conclusion/closure sentence or paragraph for the ending. Feel free to add to the post a little if you would like to change it after the submission as well.


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